Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Finished? Object - Lana Grossa Lacy Wrap Sweater

Well, I've seamed the LG sweater, and now am trying to decide what else needs to be done. I still can't decide if all I need is to do an edging around the fronts, or if I need to add to the bottom, and of course, there is the matter of how to close it. I could knit the tie as pictured, or I could get some cute brooch/pin, or I could sew satiny ribbon in a matching shade. I was even thinking of finding ribbon to sew all around the bottom edge, and extending it for the tie... but that might mess up its stretchiness. What do yall think? And I still can't decide whether I should rib or do some kind of lacy rib at the bottom, lengthening it, since I am not "long and lean" as I think is normally the shape a sweater like this looks good on. Would it be more flattering this way? I definitely don't want something that makes me look dumpy, and since I love this yarn so, I want to love the sweater and have it as perfect as I possibly can. Or should I leave it be? Argh, so many decisions! Please give advice!! :-)

Edited to add: Link to FREE pattern is here:


Tany said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your sweater! You look great in it!

Zia said...

That looks so adorable! The colour is oh so soft and beautiful - suits you really well.
As for advice... mmm, well now let's see. Have you considered making a lace strip/border and sewing it to the bottom? I think ribbing would draw it it too much, thus loosing the effect of the whole wrap, well that's just my opinion anyway. ;) As for the rest of the edging, maybe a single row of crochet (if you can) would probably set it off nicely. Excellent job!

Karin said...

I agree with maybe finding a simple trim to knit around the bottom. Do you have a book about trims? You might want to check that "Knitting on the Edge" book.

And for closing it I would just do a button on the side.

Anonymous said...

I love this sweater - the color is so pretty and it looks so soft and feminine! I think you look great in it.

Marji said...

Crystal, I just love that wrap. I think it would be darling, since you are young enough to carry it off, to close it with a satin ribbon (not all the way around the hem, just stitched to the places where it would tie).
Where did you get that pattern? is it a brochure or was it in one of the kntting magazines?

sulu-design said...

Long and lean? No, no, no - this sweater looks fabulous on curves! I'm so impressed, and I look forward to seeing how you finish it. Beautiful work!