Tuesday, January 02, 2007

FO: Pomatomus SOCKS

Yes, that's right. I knit socks. Pomatomus socks, to be exact. I'd planned on knitting these for a long darned time, but kept putting it off for bigger projects, and the whole idea of "what's the point in spending all that time knitting socks when you can buy a pack for $5?" Learning we were going to Kansas (a very, very cold area, if you ask me), made me think that nice, warm, thick socks might be nice... and I did already have the yarn. Since we drove there, I had plenty of time to work on them, but I didn't manage to finish when I wanted, although I did finish them on the trip. They are the last FO of 2006.

I was originally going to knit them in some Knitpicks' Palette in a lavender color I got on a whim, for socks, but with no pattern in mind. I started on them in that yarn, decided I'd rather have oceany Pomatomus (-i?), so got some Cervinia Calzetteria in the color Capri. Very pretty, and very oceany. I love how this yarn knit up in this pattern.

I LOVED this pattern! I'm not sure whether I've ever actually said I'd knit a pattern again, but this one I WILL. It was fun, I love, love, love the "scales" and have thought to use them in other projects. The only downside is that, as written, the socks are too big around for my size 5 US feet. I should have foreseen this, but didn't think about it until I was pretty far into the first sock, hoped it would come out ok, and kept going. And it did come out ok. They make good, comfy lounging socks, but I doubt I could wear them under shoes, except maybe my cowboy boots. They will be good for very cold weather, in which I need to layer socks, if ever that occurs. Next time, I think I'll try size 1 needles.

So here are some pictures (probably more than post about a finished pair of socks really needs):

Dusty liked these and wanted a pair of socks (plain ones, not Pomatomus - too girly for him). This is a big thing, since he's never really wanted me to knit anything for him before. He asked for black or grey, so I got this:

It's a charcoal grey color, with some specks of white in it. And it feels very nice! I hope the two balls will be enough. Now I need to find a sock pattern for men, in fingering weight. Any recommendations?

I also found this vintage pattern:

Isn't it great? I see it in some kind of stretchy, satiny fabric... what do you suggest?

I've got to start making up some of these wonderful patterns I have. If only I had more time and space!

I also got the pattern for Eunny Jang's Anemoi mittens. I can't decide on a yarn or a color, though I am dying to make these. After Dusty's socks, I may start on these.

I know I'm not supposed to be starting on new projects, but I HAVE been putting a lot of time toward Gatsby Girl, and I think that counts for something. I'm getting close to finishing the front... but then there will be two sleeves to go. After that, it's back to the Sideways Spencer, and I'm going to dig out the Rebecca Apricot Jacket, since it will be warmer then, and a cotton jacket will be more suitable. But I've been dying to try fair isle... so the mittens will come soon!

One of my Christmas gifts was C. S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. I'm currently reading the second, and I love it thus far. Yay! :-)

I also added Nicky Epstein's Knitting on the Edge to my knitting library. Yay! I have very few knitting books, but I really want to get all of hers. I've thought all the ones I've seen were really interesting.

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