Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More Fabric Questions (Burda 7993)

I thought the Burda 7993 top was definitely one of the cutest I've seen, so I just had to get the pattern. My roommate gave me a Hobby Lobby gift certificate for Christmas (she is so sweet!), and it dawned on me that I will have occasion to wear the blouse in the near future if I make it. So, I was thinking of looking around this weekend for fabric, but I'm not sure what to look for. I have a weakness for fabrics with the sheen pictured in this top, and since I can already see it looks great in such a fabric, that's what I'd really like to find. I'm guess it's probably not something I'm going to find at Hobby Lobby, but it can't hurt to look. What is this fabric? The recommended fabrics are: Cotton fabrics, viscose, poplin. I don't think it's cotton (unless it's some weird satin cotton I've never heard of but sounds nice, hehe), or poplin. Is that viscose? I thought viscose was rayon, and it doesn't really look like rayon to me (speaking, of course, with little-to-no knowledge on the subject of viscose/rayon. I'm talking, of course, about the view with the blue top. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure what that fabric is, but I love that pattern. I can't wait to see it finished, I may just have to buy that pattern for myself!

I have seen cotton fabric with a sheen to it at Hobby Lobby, especially in the holiday fabrics part. Our local Hobby Lobby has a great fabric department, but a bit expensive - I try to wait up until there is a sale, or a coupon in the paper.