Sunday, April 15, 2007

Perhaps I should have finished something else first

But I started on Rapunzel from Rowan 34 last night, and got a good 4" done while watching the new 007 movie. I just realized, though, that the pattern uses a discontinued yarn, Rowan Lurex Shimmer, which I do NOT have, and cannot find to match the yarn I'm using (Stacy Charles Merino Cable in shade 122, a deeper wine color than in the picture.

By the way, this yarn? SO SOFT. SO PLUSH. SO NICE. A little splitty, but wonderful. Not in the least bit itchy, so far as I can tell. It doesn't even feel like wool. The skeins are small, and it is pricey, but was half off when I got it. It knits up beautifully (the stitch definition is superb, while not making every mistake or wonky stitch stand out the way cotton does), and I am loving working with it. And looking at it. All the colors I saw at the LYS were just lovely; so lovely, in fact, that it took me about 15 minutes to decide on one. And I still think about shades 130 (that divine purple that is so deep and rich, while still being beautifully bright, vibrant, and jewel toned-ish, though if I ever actually saw a jewel this color, it would be the only one I'd ever wear) and 112 (a gorgeous, brilliant turquoise that seriously seemed to glow and looked very nice with my skin tone) with a little regret, though I adore the 122 I am using. Thinking back, the picture on the link does no justice to the colors at all. But I do think the color I have is best for Rapunzel. :-)

The Lurex Shimmer is used, doubled, for a "intarsia moss stitch" at the top of the jacket (I suppose the part that is obviously moss stitch). What do y'all think? Will it still be totally, completely gorgeous if I don't do any intarsia at all, and just use my Merino Cable for the whole thing? Or should I try to find something to take the place of the Lurex Shimmer?

1 comment:

Filambulle said...

It is a great pattern. I wish you the best (rowan patterna always frighten me a ittle bit).
You asked me some time ago (= a long time ago) about my noro spiral hat, well, it should be on my blog tomorrow...)