Thursday, August 10, 2006

Revisiting My Intro Post

How much have I accomplished from my first post, 8 months later?

Ella Scarf - crochet, using Lily's Sugar and Cream (~ 40% complete) I put this on hold over the summer, but will get it done in time for winter... I still love this scarf!
Americana hat - crochet using Red Heart Worsted, to match the scarf I made my grandma for Christmas (she loves the patriotic things)(~20% complete) FINISHED!!!
A hat for me - crochet, using Lion Brand Homespun, Red Heart Light and Lofty, Red Heart Worsted, and crochet thread (~80% complete)FINISHED!!! But I hated it.
DNA scarf - knit, in Caron's Simply Soft (no dye lot, because I want it to be longer than pictured, and don't know how much extra I will need) (~ 10% complete) I stopped working on this, and decided I didn't want to use this yarn for the scarf after all. I am going to make the scarf, but in a superwash wool.
Small flower - crochet, in crochet thread (~ 70% complete) Whoops, this one is in a drawer... unfinished. I am not sure why, since it would not take long to finish it, I imagine.
Fabric-knit purse - knit (~10% completed) This is in the same state as the flower.
Delphine sweater - knit, in Knitpicks' Wool of the Andes. Currently, I am only working on constructing the pattern for this sweater. Don't expect this to be finished any time soon, it is the most complicated project I've worked on. Yay! I have't forgotten this sweater... but neither have I made much progress on it. Two bottoms of the sleeves are done, and that is about it. Sigh. It's that darned center cable. I'd be finished if I could just let myself use a different cable for it.

To-do list (someday)
Soon - Hat for my nephew Dustin - knit, Red Heart Worsted? Almost done! I should have already finished it.
This silk corset top - knit, in Knitpicks' Shine? I'd love to do it in silk, but it will only cost about $25 to make it in Shine, double-stranded. No one has told me how this would work for this top though. Done, knit in Brilla. Love it!
Something for my boyfriend's mother, she is so sweet! I saw a clapotis knit in beautiful recycled sari silk, and I think that might be a wonderful choice for Mrs. Nancy. Haven't even looked for yarn for it yet. Shame on me.
Something pretty and lacy for my elementary G/T teacher, Mrs. Knight... she was such a great teacher. Same as above, but I don't know how to get in touch with her any way.
A sweater for my mom I keep telling her to find the yarn for it... and she hasn't even decided on a pattern yet.
A knitting bag, - knit, felted or cotton with fabric lining It got pushed back, and right now I'm using a big, cheap tote bag of my mom's from Walmart as a knitting bag.
A knitting needle case - knit, felted I sewed one instead.
A felted cloche like Ann Darrow wears in King Kong, if I can ever find or design the perfect pattern Maybe THIS winter...
A fish bag from Folk Bags FINISHED! I love it!
Kimono Sweater from Knitpicks It's still on the list... the ever growing list.
The Lion Brand Incredible ribbon shrug and camisole in the Spring/Summer '05 issue of Knit.1 The shrug is finished... the cami not so much. I didn't even buy the yarn for it.
This wrap from the same mag. Almost forgotten... but I do still love it.
The ballet wrap from Interweave Knits Spring 2005. I'll get to it some day. I love it so!
The beautiful butterfly jacket from Noro Knits. In progress, thank God!

Geez, so I still have a really long list from when I started knitting, and now there is so much more I want to knit. I never meant to find so much I wanted to make! There are still a ton of sweaters and a couple of hats I want, I've got yarn for a couple of scarves (they will be quick knits, since they are $1 novelty yarns), and more.

Aside from what's on the sidebar, some of which I do still occasionally touch, I've got Rowan's Butterfly dress going on as my first lace project, a Sunrise Circle Jacket in the works, yarn for a Tubey someday, and yarn for a Craftster Circular Shrug, oh, and the Rebecca Apricot Jacket. And Annie Modesitt's Spencer from IK. I can't bring myself to edit my list of WIPs on the sidebar, since I really feel I should be finishing things, instead of starting new ones!

Looking at the list on the sidebar, I'm unsure about the Pomatomus socks... I still definitely want them, but I don't know if I want to knit them in a purple yarn any more. I am thinking about ripping out the tiny bit I have done on them, and making Baudelaire with it, and finding some pretty, watery blue for Pomatomus. Also, the fur collared shrug looked like I was going to run short of yarn, so I don't think it is going to work out. I have to find something to make with that beautiful yarn, though! The Craftster DNA tank and I had a spat, and it won. I thought I shouldn't need more than one row counter to keep up, and it thought I should. So I am going to rip nearly all my progress on it, and start over using more than one row counter. If you think that's unecessary, you should see the mess I've made of it. I could probably finish the Butterfly Jacket pretty quickly if I worked on only it for awhile, but I don't need to finish it any time soon... most of the sweaters I am in no hurry to finish, which is why I let myself work on so many. Louisiana doesn't have enough cold weather for me to rush them. It will be mid to late October before I will even need a jacket, let alone a sweater.

It's really silly of me to be making so many in that case, but I love knitting sweaters! A lot of knitters have socks, I have sweaters. Since I am so small, they don't cost much for me to make, and I love learning the different construction techniques, and having a beautiful FO to wear. That being said, I also love hats. Quick, easy, and the perfect way, imo, to showcase a little bit of great yarn. Not to mention that I love wearing hats! I particularly want to make both of the Kirsten Dunst inspired hats.

Anyway, now I find myself dying to knit Eunny's Argyle Vest (well, I've wanted to for awhile, but now that Telemark has arrived, may actually have found a better yarn to do it with, making it that much worse), and I know in the winter IK I will definitely love her fair-isle sweater. I want to get the new IK for the Gatsby Girl sweater (talk about beautiful!), and I love Glampyre's new sweater design, Guinevere, for Stitch Diva (Ok, so Guinevere is the name I gave it). The Telemark yarn also offered up an affordable choice for Annie Modesitt's Bi-color Cables Cardi, which I love... at least there will be things to knit for years to come. And when Eunny brings out the pattern for her pink Bonnie inspired sweater, well, I'm dropping everything else to knit it. Oh, and how could I forget Forecast from Knitty? I adore it so! And the Drops Designs criss-cross sweater! I know there are lots of other things I'd love to knit... designers, slow down and let me catch up! Not really, yall are doing a great job keeping us "in stitches." There are plenty of other wonderful designs I could mention, but I think I have spent enough time dreaming for one day. ;-)

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