Monday, October 15, 2007

A Ransom Note

From Flickr:

Hey knittin_bayou! About your photos...

You've run into one of the limits of a free account. Your free account will only display the most recent 200 photos you've uploaded. All of your photos beyond 200 will remain hidden from view until you either delete newer photos, or upgrade to a Pro account.

None of your photos have been deleted, and if you upgrade, they'll all come back unharmed.

Doesn't this sound kinda like a ransom note? ;-) So does this mean now that my older pictures can't be seen, even if they are linked?


Tany said...

Nasty! Can they do that to you?

Chris O'Brien said...

Yeah, that sucks. I ran out of free on my flickr a few months ago and ended up giving in to the ransom demand because it was making "photo unavailable" boxes on older stuff. Boo.

Atajev said...

Yep, even the linked pictures will show up as unavailable. :(

sulu-design said...

Yikes! Did they cut all of the letters out of newspapers and magazines to piece together that letter so you wouldn't recognize their handwriting?!? Serious ransom note!