Friday, April 28, 2006

Why do I need sleep? Time is better spent knitting!

As I can't seem to figure out how to completely do away with my need for sleep, and since I must put my school before all else, I've gotten very little done on my latest project, Rambling Rose. I'm about an inch into the back ribbing. I am far enough to say that I do love the fabric that is working up! The color of the Brown Sheep Cotton Fine I am using, Victorian Pink, is not quite what I'd hoped for (I was picturing my Rose in a beautiful, very pale mauve), but it IS a lovely dusty-rose pink.

I'm finally going to get around to getting another copy of the manual for my sewing machine; soon, I hope. I've found a Butterick pattern for a dress I just HAVE to make, and will be buying it soon. It's supposed to be super easy, which is wonderful as I've no idea how to sew, and really haven't even been able to do a straight hem yet, but I've wanted to learn for the longest time. I also think I've found the perfect fabric online! First, of course, I'll have to try the dress using some $1 fabric from Wal-mart, but if it comes out well, I'll soon have an adorable dress hand-made by me! This is something I won't be able to mess with until my short break in mid-May, which is approaching far too quickly. I'm already nervous about finals! Yikes!

Oh yes, would any of my faithful readers (hahaha!) happen to read Russian? I have found a lovely crochet pattern that needs deciphering!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

FOs - Modeknits' Silk Corset Top and Ribbon Shrug from Knit.1

First of all, please excuse how horrible I look in these photos. I was completely sober, although a bit tired, and there is no excuse for how cracked-out I look!

Silk Corset Top:
From: Modeknit
Size: 32"
Yarn: Filatura Di Crosa Brilla, cotton/rayon blend, color #400, almost 4 skeins
Needles: size 6 straight

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Mods made: I used all one color, instead of a MC and CC. I didn't add buttons to the very bottom, and would have needed 24, I believe it was, if I had. I did buy them, but so many people told me it looked great the way it was that I decided to leave it. I worked chart D for an extra inch before beginning the bottom lace. I have yet to do the crochet edging because I know I don't have enough yarn left, so I'm waiting until I can find another skein in the color I need.

Other details: I feel the Brilla was a great yarn for this project; it's a little thinner than the yarn called for, but it's not so thin that I HAVE to wear something underneath (although in these photos I am wearing a red cami under the top). It was really nice to work with once I became used to the inelasticity of the yarn. The pictures are a little bright; in reality it doesn't appear to have any orange in it at all.

Sizing was a hard decision for this project; I normally wear about a 33", but I chose a 32", and it is really, really tight, as you can see. Also, if knitting this top, be sure to pay extra attention for the first few rows; that seems to be where many people get most confused on this project. I joined the knit along for this. The URL is:

Incredible Ribbon Shrug:

From: Knit.1 Spring/Summer '05
Size: 35"
Yarn: Lion Brand Incredible Ribbon, color purple party, ~ 3.5 skeins
Needles: size 15

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Mods: I think my gauge was off; at any rate, it was really hard to measure this thing. It doesn't really matter, because I didn't realize it was probably going to come out too large, and it did. I should have gone down to 13s, maybe, or sized it down somehow. It still looks alright, I think.

Other details: It's a bit tricky figuring out how you're supposed to tie it, but I think I got it right. I had one very off dyelot that was much brighter and not as pretty as the rest, so I did the sleeves with that one. At least it kinda looks purposefully done. In this picture, it looks a little wonky. I promise it's not! It looks that way because the flash was so bright. I couldn't get a good picture of it, but it's much cuter in real life!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Tomorrow, tomorrow

I tried to post this last night:

Tomorrow, I'll try to take and post some pictures of the (nearly) completed corset top, the (nearly) completed fish bag, and the fully completed ribbon shrug. I mention the first two with the word nearly, because they are both wearable, but not technically finished. I'm going to have to buy another skein of yarn to do the crochet edging of the corset, and I need to embroider one more side of the fish bag. I haven't had much time for knitting lately, nor for anything else.

That's all for now, just wanted to do a quick update so y'all would know I'm still around. Bedtime now!