Monday, November 08, 2010

I'm Almost There!

.... sung in "Princess and the Frog" style, of course. That is, I've almost finished with my graduate career! As far as my MS goes, at least. And it's the reason for my lack of updating, again. I actually have so much to post about; just no time in which to do it! Also, I joined Fine Art America, so in addition to my original artwork in my Etsy shop, you may now purchase prints of my work from my FAA shop!

I've several paintings in the works, been altering practically my whole wardrobe, making jewelry, and I've a couple of knitting projects to show you, including a finished one! AND this blog is getting a long-and-much-needed makeover! But all this must wait until the week is over and I have turned in all of my work. So expect some posts with actual content soon. :)

I just noticed that this new template apparently colors some of the links in black, which blends in with the black background... bummer. So, if it looks like a link should be in a particular spot, it probably is!


Crystal Nicole

Edited: Fixed the links!